Plant Care Info

hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Outstanding Features: An outstanding selection that features large single blooms. The foliage is a dark glossy green. A perfect plant for container use on patios or poolside.

lantana camara
Outstanding Features: Heat loving tropical shrub with fragrant foliage and numerous brightly colored flower cluster during warm months. Easily grow in the border or can be grown in containers on patios.

justicia brandegana
Outside features: Perfect tropical plant for pots on patios. Uniquely shaped coral and white flowers bloom nearly year round.
Shrimp Plant

duranta erecta sapphire
Outside features: A wonderful tender evergreen shrub with year round interest and is easy to grow. Sapphire blue flower appear in clusters and are followed by bright golden berries that hang in bunches. Widely used in the home landscape or grown in containers for patio use.
Duranta Sapphire

gardenia jasminoides
Outside features: Nursery professionals have crafted this plant into a unique specimen. This young plant has been especially grown to form this elegant selection. Perfect for patio, planter.

ixora coccinea
Outside features: Easy to grow this evergreen shrub that has a large clusters of reddish-orange, yellow or red flowers during warm months. Can be grown in the shrub border or in containers.

Outside features: Nursery professionals have crafted this plant into a unique specimen. This young plant has been grown on this trellis to create an elegant selection. Perfect for patio, planter.

dipladenia sp.
Outside features: Also known as Mandevilla, this is an outstanding, fast-growing flowering vine with loads of blooms in shades of pink, red and white. Lovely glossy foliage adds to its appeal. It perfectly suited for covering fences, arbors and trellises.

tibouchina urvilleana
OOutside features: Tropical looking evergreen shrub with eye-cathing, deep purple flowers during warm months. Perfect in a container on the patio.

eugenia globulus
Outside features: Evergreen shrub with bronzy-red new growth. Tolerates pruning well and can be sheared into most any shape.
Eugenia Topiaries

phoenix roebelenii
Outside features: A popular smaller palm that lends itself to large container planting near entryways and patios or can be planted in the landscape. Bright green, airy fronds add a delicate appearance.
Pygmy Date Palm

nephrolepis 'kimberly'
Outside features: An easy to grow fern with dark green, upright fronds that bring a tropical texture to indoor living areas. Perfect for container use and are especially effective near entryways.
Kimberly Fern

codiaeum variegatum 'petra'
Outside features: Exotic tropical shrub or houseplant with shiny, waxy leaves of green, yellow, red and orange. Thrives in heat and humidity. If shade grown may be placed indoors in a brightly lit area.